나만의 소낙비

I Got A Name_Jim Croce(영화 '장고:분노의 추적자' 중)

대지의 마음 2013. 3. 24. 12:33





쿠엔틴 타란티노 감독의 영화 <장고 : 분노의 추적자> OST



영화 음악의 거장, 엔니오 모리코네
소울의 거장, 제임스 브라운
R&B 보컬의 교과서, 존 레전드
힙합씬의 위대한 레전드, 2PAC
영화의 주연을 맡은 장고, 제이미 폭스 등

이름만 들어도 설레이는 아티스트들이 참여한 영화만큼이나 거대한 스케일의 총 23곡이 수록된 사운드 트랙!






I Got A Name


_Jim Croce




Like the pine trees lining the winding road
I've got a name
I've got a name
Like the singing bird and the croaking toad
I've got a name
I've got a name
And I carry it with me like my daddy did
But I'm living the dream that he kept hid

Moving me down the highway
Rolling me down the highway
Moving ahead so life won't pass me by

Like the North wind whistling down the sky
I've got a song
I've got a song
Like the whip-poor-will and the babies crying
I've got a song
I've got a song
And I carry it with me and I sing it proud
If it gets me nowhere, I'll go there proud

Moving me down the highway
Rolling me down the highway
Moving ahead so life won't pass me by

And I'm gonna go there free
Like the fool I am and I'll always be
I've got a dream
I've got a dream
They can change their minds but they can't change me
I've got a dream
I've got a dream
I know I could share it if you want me to
If your going my way I'll go with you

Moving me down the highway
Rolling me down the highway
Moving ahead so life won't pass me by
Moving me down the highway
Rolling me down the highway
Moving ahead so life won't pass me by





[영화의 주제 음악]